How to avoid winter skin woes and keep your summer glow year round!

Seasonal Skin Care considerations for glowing skin 365 days a year!

As we in the southern hemisphere move into the cooler months, it’s a good opportunity to talk about what specific care our skin may need during the different seasons. Although your foaming cleanser may be ideal for breaking down sweat and oil from the summer heat, it may leave you wondering why your skin is feeling tight and dry in winter. So, just like how we change our wardrobes throughout the year, we need to be adapting our skincare routines the same way!

In these cooler months, humidity drops and results in less oil being produced by the skin as well as more moisture lost to the cold, dry air - commonly leading to dehydrated, sensitive skin. The main considerations we should make for our winter routine is to improve our hydration, protecting the fragile skin barrier function and gentle exfoliation. 

A myth that exists is that we don’t need to wear sunscreen during winter - this is not true! Although the days are shorter and we may be less inclined to spend the day in the sun, the level of UVA radiation (the UV rays that cause skin aging) remains constant throughout the year. If you are prone to becoming more dry in winter, consider switching to a more hydrating SPF moisturizer during winter and leaving your matte, sweat-resistant one for the summer months. We recommend Aspect’s Hydrating Face SPF50 or Image’s Prevention + Hydrating SPF30 if you prefer a mineral formula. 

In winter, you may need to increase the level of hydration in your routine. By incorporating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and glycerin that will draw water into the skin, and shea butter or ceramides that will help to trap it there we can alleviate that tight, dry feeling. Consider a richer moisturizer such as Image’s Vital C Intense Hydrating Moisturiser or Dermaenergy’s Hydrate and Inflate to layer underneath if you don’t want to switch out your existing moisturizer!

Indoor heating can dry out the air which in turn will pull the moisture out of the skin, leaving it dehydrated. Using a humidifier can help to add moisture back into the air and stop this from happening. If you use a heater regularly or if you work in an office building with air-conditioning, using a desk humidifier can help with relieving moisture loss. 

Due to dryness, the skin can become more sensitive, however it can also become flakey and textured. The solution? Gentle exfoliation. Using either a hydrating lactic acid product or an enzyme mask that will gently dissolve dead skin cells without being as degreasing as a glycolic or salicylic acid. We recommend using Aspect’s Exfol-L serum twice a week or Image’s Hydrating Enzyme Mask 2-3 times a week for this purpose!

Apart from your homecare routine, it’s important to think about your professional treatments! As winter generally lends itself to less sun exposure, these months are the ideal time to schedule your intensive professional treatments such as laser, peels and microneedling that require some downtime. For more information, book in for a complimentary consultation today!


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